您可以查看新版本并从SimpleBGC GUI应用升级固件。下载最新的GUI,连接电板并在升级标签栏升级固件。更多信息参见用户手册。
Detailed changelog file (48Kb 1.04.2024)2.63b0 — 最新稳定版本
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_63b0.zip (8Mb 1.06.2017)
- User Manual Chinese by Zhang Yi
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_chn.pdf (2Mb 20.03.2017)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_eng.pdf (3Mb 6.09.2024)
- 支持旋转自由度大于360º的编码器电机:系统将自动搜索最近的极限并返回原位。
- 新选项«硬件» - «IMU传感器» - «对准校正»:允许校正IMU传感器内部轴相对于摄像机的光轴和电机轴的偏移。支持校准。
- 通过CAN或I2C接口支持新的CAN_IMU传感器。
- 支持新的编码器类型:RLS«Orbis»与PWM 459Hz和SPI接口。
- 可以在一个系统中混合不同类型的编码器:PWM和SPI,不同频率的PWM,不同类型的SPI等。
- 新的参数«硬件» - «外部电机倾斜角度»,可提供非正交电机配置的支持。
- 改进编码器校准:允许设置旋转角度范围,并可在异常位置进行。
- 在启动时将所有电机移动到原始位置的新选项(仅限编码器固件)。
- 新菜单命令切换到纵向模式(ROLL = 90)并返回。系统将此模式保留在配置文件切换中。
- 1,2轴系统:选项可以在启动时自动切换到不同的稳定轴,也可以通过更改配置文件。
- 新标志«硬件» - «系统启动时不要打开电机电源»。
- 新的参数组«高级» - «自动运动任务»为自动执行的运动设置速度和加速度,如«往下看»,«主位置»等
- 实现电动机非线性校准,通过补偿齿槽效应(仅限于«Extended»和«Pro»电板)来提高稳定性质量
- 新型可调整变量:«relative»。它用作应用于用户可编辑参数的乘数。
- 新型可调整变量:查找表。在设置信号和变量之间的依赖关系时,允许更好的控制。
- 新参数«跟随模式» - «跟随范围»允许在跟随模式下将定义有效范围的角度设置为零到全速。
- 新选项«跟随» - «通过按住菜单按钮禁用跟随模式»:使用它通过按住菜单按钮临时禁用跟随模式,而不需要切换配置文件。
- 新菜单命令«设置和开始延时运动»,«重复延时»。使用它在几秒钟内编程延时运动顺序,而不需要GUI连接。Tomasz Walczak的优秀教程。
- 脚本语言:新的命令«SET_ADJ_VAR»,将其用于无漂移延时拍摄
- 参数被重新排列,按其意义更好地分组
- 新菜单«查看» - «查看级别»选择从«基本»到«开发人员»的复杂程度。开发人员可以在配置文件«conf/view_level.properties»中进一步调整它。
- 新的备份管理器允许将包含所有设置和校准的快照保存到云中; 支持一个受密码保护的»工厂»和最多3个«用户»备份。
- 基于模板将设置保存到.profile文件中的新选项。将配置从一个系统复制到其他系统时,可用于选择性地更新参数。
- 在无线连接不良的情况下,串口通信可能会影响稳定。
- 对于YAW轴,MavLink万向节控制被反转
- «Tiny rev.A»无法通过USB端口连接到GUI
- 将CP210x驱动程序升级到版本6.7.4(Windows 10自动完成)后,GUI不起作用
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_60b4.zip (8Mb 7.09.2016)
- User Manual Chinese by Zhang Yi
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_chn.pdf (2Mb 20.03.2017)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_eng.pdf (3Mb 6.09.2024)
- 新型增强PID自调整算法:
- 快速可靠;
- 找到最佳的PID增益,以减少稳定性错误并防止自激;
- 灵活性:可以从零调整PID或从当前值开始微调整增益;
- 能够调整其他参数,如低通过滤器;
- 有安全中断,以防止在系统运行错误的情况下导致的损坏;
- GUI连接并非是必需的 - 可以通过菜单按钮命令运行;
- 允许更新所有配置文件中的PID设置;
- 新设置的"过滤器" - "D-tem LPF过滤器"可以帮助去除一些安装中的高频振荡并允许设置更大的PID增益
- 陷波过滤器扩展:可被用做峰值过滤器;增益被设置在dB而不是%
- 加速度限制器设置是按每轴分割
- 编码器新类型在常规固件YAW轴中被支持:PWM和I2C。
- 新选项"PID增益乘数",用于扩大PID设置范围或连接PID增益为可调变量,通过模拟电位器或RC在线调整它。
- 串口API通过许多新命令被扩展
- 为稳定性而禁止从框架IMU处使用陀螺信号选项,但为框架角度检测保留它;通过可调截止频率的低通过滤器选项。这两种选项在框架上高水平的振动情况下都是很有用的。
- 添加一个针对Ardupilot FC连接(测试状态)的MavLink协议的支持,这可以提高稳定的精度并在自动任务中控制平衡环。
- 备份/恢复IMU校准到一个文件选项
- (编码器版本)马达过热保护改进:更精确的模型,虚拟温度被显示在GUI上以简化调整过程;新的安全行动:警报和切断马达
- (编码器版本)"Encoder field offset"参数是被自动校准的,不需要框架移动。
- 参数"马达的磁链"将提高稳定的精度;为这个参数而做的新的自动校准功能
- 可启用第三方串行端口:UART2(Rx:AUX3,Tx:n/c)选项;与RC_SERIAL端口交换引脚(Rx:RC_ROLL,Tx:RC_YAW)选项。在编码器激活的版本,端口被默认交换。
- 新的菜单命令,通过YAW轴,从当前位置或0/180相对主页位置,旋转相机用以切换到自拍模式。
- 脚本语言中的几个新命令;使用动态变量连接到RC信号源选项
- 自动切换到倒置模式(框架和摄像机)选项,以及当框架旋转+-180度超过PITCH轴时自动旋转摄像机选项。
- 修复在"Tiny"电板中与USB连接问题
- RC控制略有提升:更平滑的"Angle"模式,在快速打断后没有过度拍摄
- 脚本解析器:针对很慢的时间间隔,能够妥善处理低于0.07度/秒的速度
- 修复在现代macOS版本下固件升级的问题
- 在各种条件下,系统性能的许多小提升
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_50b3.zip (8Mb 14.04.2015)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_50_eng.pdf (1Mb 6.05.2015)
- User-written scripts (see Language Reference and user manual)
- IMU temperature calibration and compensation.
- New tool "Analyze" to make an analysis of system response.
- Notch filters have adjustable gain (0…100%)
- "Motor outputs" settings group is changed to per-profile basis
- GUI and firmware support Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) module communication (experimental)
- New setting group "Outer PI controller" to adjust values for outer (cascade) PI controller (default value is 100 suit most setups)
- New option "Swap frame and main sensors" to use frame IMU as main IMU and vice versa
- New option "Gyro dead band" to cut off gyro noise around zero (that may be audible as 'white noise' in heavy setups)
- New option "I2C high-speed". Use it carefully: high-speed mode may cause I2C errors.
- Problem with SSL connection during firmware upgrade is solved
- Frame upside-down command loads default profile after reset
- Frame upside-down detection doesn't work if "skip gyro calibration" is disabled.
- Acceleration limiter does not work properly with the big speed setting in the "Follow" mode: camera overshoots target position
ENCODER version:
- New encoder type "Analog". See updated manual http://www.basecamelectronics.com/files/SimpleBGC_32bit_Encoders.pdf
- Different encoder types may be assigned to different axis
- Option to adjust sound volume in the 'beep by motors' mode in the 'Service' tab
- Bug fixed: upside-down frame switching is not correct
- Several bugs fixed related to encoder calibration
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_56b7.zip (8Mb 20.01.2016)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_5x_eng.pdf (1Mb 29.06.2016)
New hardware:
- Support of ICM20608 gyroscope+accelerometer sensor.
- New option "I2C high-speed". Use it carefully: high-speed mode may cause I2C errors.
- Support for saving and restoring of calibration data to the IMU's EEPROM (if present).
- Support of analog encoder (rotary position sensor) on YAW axis in the regular firmware.
- New option "Advanced" "Order of hardware axes" that supports several configurations besides the standard "Camera PITCH - ROLL - YAW" configuration.
- Support of magnetometer sensor (compass) to prevent drift of gyroscope. Can be combined with the frame IMU or the main IMU.
Control algorithms:
- New setting: "RC" "Order of Euler angles" that allows extending the possible trajectories of a camera and the range of working angles.
- Improved the precision of RC control in the "Follow" mode
- New option "Follow" "Apply an offset correction when an axis is not following."
- New option "Follow" "Follow rate inside dead-band" to apply very soft control to keep camera always in the center of the dead-band.
Sensors calibration:
- Regular calibration of Accelerometer and gyroscope does not discard the results of temperature calibration but improves it.
- ACC calibration at "normal" Z-top position does not discard the results of 6-point calibration.
- Magnetometer (compass) calibration was significantly improved:
- you do not need a GUI connection (allows to calibrate in the field by menu button);
- an ellipsoid approximation is used;
- New option to skip gyro calibration if gimbal is not fixed well during startup: it allows to start with fresh calibration for best quality, or to start immediately with the previous calibration.
IMU improvements:
- Advanced algorithms for correction of mutual drift in both IMUs.
- "2nd IMU above YAW" position is more reliable now.
- New option "ACC low-pass filter" that helps to improve the stability of the IMU angles. Under dynamic conditions like motion with short lateral accelerations.
Other functionality:
- New adjustable variables GYRO_HEADING_CORRECTION and FRAME_HEADING_ANGLE that helps to manually correct YAW axis drift.
- New option "Advanced" "Set to the normal position on profile switch".
- Better handling of high-speed control from scripts.
- Improved the range of working angles in 1- and 2-axes systems, making use of 2nd IMU or encoders; all possible 2-axes configurations are supported now.
- New menu command: "Untwist cables".
- New checkbox "Advanced" "Upside-down PITCH auto-rotation" to turn camera when turning frame upside-down.
- New option "Follow" "Use frame IMU, if possible" to use 2nd IMU for the "Follow Mode" control, to make it more reliable.
- New menu command: "Center YAW axis" to move a camera to the neutral position by YAW.
- New menu command: "Level Roll, Pitch to the horizon".
- New option "Service" "Blink profile number" - onboard LED will show currently selected profile.
- Proper handling of "gimbal lock" condition - when YAW and PITCH motor axes are parallel.
- (GUI) New "Emergency stop" option (stop motors in case of the big rate of I2C errors).
- (GUI) Serial-over-UDP connection is supported to configure remote devices via a network (WiFi, Ethernet, Internet).
- Menu button pressed 12 times in series will reset "Serial speed" setting to default value 115200.
- OuterP, OuterI gain increased 5x times.
Encoder-enabled firmware:
- Option to emergency stop if the motor angles reported by the encoder differs a lot from the angle reported by the 2nd IMU.
- Encoder-to-motor gearing ratio can be adjusted.
- In the case of geared setup, the uncertainty of the motor or the frame angle detection at startup can be removed with the help of 2nd IMU.
- Option to enable Briefcase position auto-detection on-the-fly when in "Follow" mode: just hold the camera by hand and turn frame ±90 degrees.
- More reliable soft limits; option to enable/disable them for each motor independently.
- Back-EMF compensation is applied at full battery voltage amplitude. It allows getting the maximum speed from the motor (that is limited by the Kv parameter of a motor) even with the low "POWER" setting.
Serial API
- CMD_CONTROL command with the extended format allows specifying different control modes for each axis.
- CMD_AHRS_HELPER command allows accessing internal IMU attitude in DCM form, to use it in the external system or to replace or correct it by the information acquired from the high-grade external IMU.
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_43b6.zip (6Mb 20.01.2017)
- New GUI tab "Adjustable variables" to change system parameters remotely in real-time:
- 10 slots for trigger-type controls
- 15 slots for analog-type controls
- New sound model: if "Beep with motors" option is enabled, gimbal plays various sounds instead of simple beeps.
- New Serial API commands to communicate with external I2C devices
- New Serial API commands to store up to 128 bytes of user data in the EEPROM (may be usefull for third-party GUI or external application developers)
- New RC signal source "API_VIRT_CH1…32" controlled via Serial API to simplify gimbal control (see examples in the specification)
- PID Auto Tuning should give more precise results because of decreased error threshold
- Better error handling on writing parameters to the board via slow connection.
- (GUI) New menu option to save all profiles into single file. This file can be loaded back by standard "Load from file…" command
- (GUI) New menu option to write all profiles to the board.
- Updated examples for Arduino: SBGC_Serial_API_Examples.zip (27Kb 24.08.2015)
- (GUI) New command to backup/restore whole EEPROM (including all calibrations)
- Analog joystick auto-detection: if signal at startup is outside +-50 of neutral point, analog input is disabled. Option can be enabled in the RC tab.
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_43b9.zip (6Mb 14.04.2015)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_43_eng.pdf (813Kb 8.12.2014)
- User Manual French (by Nono15)
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_43_fra.pdf (1Mb 26.11.2014)
- (GUI): new option to enable auto-detection of system startup in the upside-down mode
- (GUI): New interactive dialog to detect sensor orientation
- (GUI): New interactive dialog to calibrate sensors
- Second UART port to process Serial API commands: Rx goes to RC_ROLL, Tx goes to RC_YAW. It can be enabled in the RC tab ->"RC_ROLL pin mode"
- Spektrum satellite new binding and data format options (used in the "Bind RC" command and to decode spektrum protocol)
- Bug fixed: in the Follow mode when the camera is pitched down about 90 degrees, its not controlled by YAW
- Bug fixed: calibration of accelerometer in the simple mode did not reset extended mode calibration, making a result of simple calibration not correct.
- Bug fixed: "Estimate angle from motors" doesnt work in 2.43b6
- Minor bug fixed with firmware update dialog.
- Recovery firmware works now with USB connection on v.3.1 "Tiny" boards.
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_42b7.zip (5Mb 14.04.2015)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_42_eng.pdf (768Kb 5.09.2014)
- Bug fixed: in Follow mode, when ROLL is locked, "INIT.ANGLE" has no effect.
- New command LOOK_DOWN: Camera pithes down to 90 degree with the speed configured in the RC tab.
- New command HOME_POSITION: Camera goes to home position (set by INIT.ANGLE for each axis) with the speed configured in the RC tab.
- Add a 4-second delay after the "Upside-down mode" command is switched, to let to rotate gimbal to new position.
- (GUI) New option "Remember last used profile", to make the profile (activated by RC or menu button) default. If disabled, system always starts with profile set as default from the GUI.
- (GUI) Firmware upgrade now works under Mac OS and Linux (see User manual for details)
- (GUI) Option to log realtime data to CSV file for further analysis
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_42b6.zip (5Mb 14.04.2015)
- 4xPWM servo output with adjustable rate to output virtual channels decoded from RC input, or driven by Serial API
- PID auto-tuning
- Adaptive PID gains
- Digital filters to remove resonances: 3 x Notch filters, 2nd-order low-pass filter
- Bug fixed: upside-down settings lost after switching to different profile
- "Frame upside-down" command now inverts RC control for YAW, together with inverting YAW motor and rotating second IMU
- Bug fixed: should ignore CMD channel during system init
- MOTORS_ON command resets system to home position
- New option for second (frame) IMU: "Below YAW + PID source". It means, if Frame IMU is mounted below YAW motor, it can be used as data source for PID controller, and in some cases can give better result, than main IMU.
- (GUI) UI elements re-arranged to adopt new settings and make groupping more consistent
- (GUI) Separate LPF setting for RC and Follow Mode
- (GUI) New setting "RC Inverse" (you can use it or switch Min. and Max. angles, as before)
- Last used profile is saved as default when switched by service button, RC CMD command of from GUI.
- Bug fixed: s-bus fast mode was not decoded correctly
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_41b5.zip (5Mb 14.04.2015)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_41_eng.pdf (620Kb 26.06.2014)
New features
- New button command "Frame upside-down". Use it to quickly re-configure system for new frame position (YAW motor is inverted, second IMU orientation is updated).
- "Beep by motors" option: motors emit sound instead of internal buzzer, when motors are energized.
- Lost of synchronization detection:
- better recovery from this mode
- notification by LED and buzzer (enable "Errors" checkbox in the "Service" tab)
- Smooth motor start at power-on
- Option to disable RC limits in SPEED mode (set min=max)
- Improved PID and IMU algorithms lets to achieve precision +-0.06 degree in dynamics, +-0.02 degree in static
- Stable work at bigger ROLL angles (system keep stability up to +-80 degree for ROLL inclination)
- Short beep on each press of menu button (if buzzer confirmation mode is enabled in GUI)
- (GUI) New extended debug variables RMS_ERR_X, FREQ_X helps to detect problems caused by oscillations
- (GUI) New "Erase EEPROM" menu command
- (GUI) Profile name is stored in the board after renaming. Max. 48 ASCII characters allowed (or less, if national characters used)
- (GUI) New option in the RC tab: "INIT.ANGLE" to set initial angle of the camera at system startup, if RC control is not applied.
Changes in settings (you need to take it into account when using profiles, saved for previous version)
- Follow speed rate is decreased 4x times, range is increased to 0…255, to make adjustments finer.
- Range for I setting was increased 2x times (old 0.01 equals new 0.02).
- Range for P, D setting was increased 4x times (values will be updated automatically after upgrading).
- Upper limit for PID values increased to 255 (2.55 for I).
- Upper limit for RC speed was increased to 255 and its effect was decreased 4x times to get finer step in adjustment.
- Changing sensor orientation in GUI does not reset calibration data.
- Fixed problems with RC control in Follow mode and Follow<->Lock transition.
- Battery voltage sensor drifting with time issue was fixed (but may be required to re-calibrate it).
- Bugfix: calibrate poles and direction did not work as expected.
- Add UART parity setting auto-detection from firmware side. Together with GUI auto-detection, it allows to connect Bluetooth modules with Parity=No|Even (but with Parity=No, module doesn"t allow to upgrade firmware).
- PID distribution between motors is more correct when frame is picthed and if ROLL and YAW motors differs a lot.
- Bug with the Serial Control fixed (board hangs after first command sent via Serial API).
- IMU: better handling of corrupted sensor data (wrong calibration, vibration, accelerated motion, etc.) and faster reach of settle point.
- GUI Windows, macOS, Linux
- SimpleBGC_GUI_2_40b8.zip (5Mb 24.03.2014)
- User Manual English
- SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_4_eng.pdf (609Kb 16.05.2014)
This is the first version of firmware, that is fully compatible with the 2.40 version for 8-bit boards, and have additional features:
- Allows to connect second IMU to know the frame angle. Advantage is more precise stabiliation and wider range of working angles and more reliable work in Follow Mode. Due to this you don"t need to use connection of external flight controller.
- Number of profiles extended to 5
- Additional RC protocols are supported: Futaba s-bus, Spektrum Satellite
/!\ Beta Releases
Currently there is no beta version to test.